Welcome to my trail blog for my 2009 Appalachian Trail Hike! Here you can find all of my journal entries of my 2178.3 mile journey from Springer Mountain in Georgia to Mt. Katahdin in Maine. You can see my picture slideshow to the right, as well as a recap of my hike mile by mile and gear list. Download the ebook about my hike on iTunes. I hope you find my quest inspiring. Thanks for visiting and Happy Trails!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Springer in the morning

After a long two-day drive, we finally made it to Amicalola Falls State park at 6:00 this evening. Of course we forgot to check the weather forecast before we left Rochester, so we drove through a blizzard as we made our way from Buffalo to Cleveland. It was whiteout conditions at some points and we saw a bunch of cars that had skidded off the road, including an 18 wheeler at one point. I was white knuckle driving. We made it to Cincinnati on Thursday night and hit the road this morning at 9. I had a lot of time to think and I'm pretty sure the only thing I forgot was a sponge to clean my cook pot after every meal. I was just going to suck it up and use my bandana, but Mom found one at a gas station.

The drive also let me get mentally prepared for the trail and come up with a list of goals. I think it's an important part of the preparation and will help me to guage my progress in a unit other than miles. Here is the list in order:
1. Have fun
2. Hike my own hike
3. Find myself
4. Seek out adventure
5. Summit Mt Katahdin
I hope that by reminding myself of these goals it will help me to enjoy myself but also push myself and get outside my comfort zone so that I can grow as a person.

When we did finally arrive at Amicalola Falls State Park, the visitor center was closed so I had to register outside in the binder. There was only one other entry on the thru-hiker page, a guy who left on February 9th carrying a 60 pound pack! I had my official weigh in before I left Rochester and my pack weighs around 20 pounds without food and water. When I hit the trail tomorrow, I will be carrying 6 pounds of food and about 4 pounds of water. I am very happy with that number considering the fact that when I did my 50 miler hike in 7th grade with the Boy Scouts, I was carrying a 35 pound pack! I am 9 years older, at least 60 pounds heavier, and a couple inches taller then I was back then. This should be a piece of cake! [insert weak chuckle here] I currently tip the scales at 185 pounds. I wonder how much I will lose on the trip. I know that I will definitely lose the donut I have been carrying around since freshman year.

After registering as a thru-hiker, we walked around the visitor center and found a cool plaque and "the portal" as I like to call it which marks the beginning of the Approach Trail to the top of Springer Mountain. I will not be hiking the Approach Trail as it is an extra 8 mile path that leads to the top of Springer and is not considered part of the Appalachian Trail proper (it's not part of the 2178.3 miles). Instead, tomorrow morning we will drive around Springer to the northern side using Forest Service roads and park one mile down the AT from the summit. From there we will backtrack to the top of Springer Mountain, take a load of pictures, sign the register, take a look at the shelter that is at the top, and then hike back to the parking lot. Then it is time for good-byes. Mom and Dad will head to Charlotte to visit some old family friends and I will head North to Katahdin. My goal is to hike at least the first 7.8 miles to Gooch Mountain Shelter. Beyond that, I will likely depart from the schedule I wrote out. 

It is still hard for me to believe that I start hiking tomorrow. It is hard to put the whole scope of this trip into perspective. If everything goes well, I will be hiking almost every day for the next six months. That is just RIDONCULOUS!!! I just hope that it is an adventure that I can look back on fondly when I am an old man.  I doubt that I will sleep much tonight. I am too excited to get out there!!

Tomorrow morning I will shave for the last time until August (that is if my girlfriend lets me get away with graduation pictures with a beard). As for now, I am gonna try and get some sleep so I am ready for my big day tomorrow. Here is to adventure!

p.s. - I added some sweet pictures of the trail head to my webshots, check them out!!


  1. Hi Harvey! I don't even know you and I am proud of you and your dog! My son Mike McCollum is just a short way ahead of you on the trail! He told me you were following is blog, so I wanted to follow yours. Keep the chin up..........and enjoy!
    I am sure your first day was very exciting!

  2. Also, I sure would like to have your mom share some thoughts about this, since I am Mike's mom! Maybe she could give me some "motherly tips" on this adventure!

  3. Harvey - best of luck. My son and his companions will begin their hike on March 6th. We've been following your blog and will watch your progress in earnest during his final weeks of preparation. I too would like to have your mom share her thoughts and any preparation advice she has to offer.

  4. Harvey--

    Have fun and best of luck with your goals! Hope you find what you are seeking. As a middle aged family man currently intrigued by the AT, I'll be living vicariously through you!


  5. Cool, good luck. I'm going to feed my growing interest for the AT by following your blog :-)

  6. Hello,

    My name is Rachel and I am Harvey's girlfriend. I am currently fishing school up in Maine while Harvey begins his hike! I would like to post a comment from Harvey's parents. While they do have a profile of their own, the internet is not cooperating and I am submitting it on their behalf. Thanks to everyone for tracking and supporting Harvey during his hike and happy reading!!

    Hi there, by special request, this is Harvey's Mom (actually Harvey's Dad but I take very good dictation!) Having read some of the comments I wanted to give you the Mom's perspective on this trip. First of all we are VERY proud of Harvey and we wish him luck in completing this through-hike. Our involvement in his trip really started at Christmas when Harvey graduated from Cornell and started his trip preperation in earnest. For Christmas I received a very nice food dehydrator from Harvey that was immediatley pressed into action! (see photo album on his blog) Finally arriving at Springer Mountain was a bitter sweet day. Although proud, I was very upset seeing Harvey leave on his trip and shed many a tear as we drove away. Our biggest concern was always his safety as many people had warned us about him not being safe on his own. However he is already mixing with Mike and others and so we feel much more relaxed now. We recomend you watching the DVD called Trek - 4 guys walking the trail in 2001. This gives a really good perspective of the challenges of trail life but also how important the relationships are that you make as you travel. Everyone must walk their own adventure but it is nice to know that there are good people around to lend a helping hand or provide moral support when needed. We will keep posting our thoughts as the trip unfolds.

  7. Hi Rachel! This is Mike's mom. Hi Harvey's mom and dad! I am still emotional over all of this! The only thing about the tracker is that it doesn't show how many miles they have gone. Mike's tracker wasn't working, and it is now and I think Harvey probably fixed that for him. Thanks Harvey! When does he pick up Harley? Harley is adoreable. I think the guy's are having a great time...... and I hope it keeps up!
    Mike's mom
